

Since March 2024, IMS Luxembourg has been an official partner of Business for Nature. This coalition of over 90 organisations (NGOs, companies, business networks, etc.) aims to guide structures in developing an economic model that integrates nature at all levels by 2030. 

The network promotes several values:
- Vision to achieve results in terms of environmental impact.
- Collaboration to achieve results for both people and the planet.
- Inclusion, enabling us to work with stakeholders from different activities and geographical locations.
- Open-mindedness and listening.

In November 2023, Business for Nature launched its "It's now for nature" campaign, unveiling a support method based on the "ACT-D" approach: Assess, Commit, Transform, Disclose. This initiative has been developed in partnership with the Capitals Coalition, the WBCSD (for which IMS is the national representative), the TNFD, the SBTN, the World Economic Forum and the WWF. This collaboration aims to provide companies with a clear, concise framework for a joint strategy favouring nature. 

IMS is committed to this vision by assisting Luxembourg companies in adopting this strategy for nature.